Zenit® Chem is an inert mineral product, however, please remember that during absorption, collection, storage and disposal, the legal regulations inherent to the type of acid or chemical absorbed should be kept in mind. Since the neutralizing action of the product is guaranteed by a mixture of products of natural origin to avoid storage problems that would occur with chemical products, the product loses its effectiveness after about five years from packaging, for this reason we stock a small amount of product to make sure that the time between the time of packaging and delivery does not affect the expiration date, which thus remains one year from receipt of the goods.
In case of acid spilling equip with suitable protection (gloves, goggles, mask) before intervening. Sprinkle Zenit chem on the acid accidentally spilled in sufficient quantity to make the dangerous liquid inert (see absorbency/ neutralization data). Wait until the neutralizing action, characterized by a foamy reaction, is finished (5 minutes approx.). Gather the product and store it for its special disposal.
Available in buckets of 18 l – 10 kg approx.